

  “ Girl, you oughta bash Mister’s head open and think about heaven later.” "I'm poor, Black, I may even be ugly, but dear God, I’m here! I’m here!" "Until you do right by me, everything you think about is going to crumble." "Don't let them run over got to fight." “But I don’t know how to fight, all I know how to do is stay alive.” “You see Daddy? Sinners have soul too.” “Folks don’t like nobody being too proud, or too free.” “Sofia thinks too much of herself; needs to be taken down a peg or two.” “It’s gon’ rain on your head!” “Miss Celie, why you always covering up your smile?”


 Today in class we finished our benchmark & did number 20 which was at least 3 paragraphs long. 


 Today in class we took a benchmark & only completed 1-19. Tomorrow we’re supposed to be doing #20 which is probably a constructed response.


  Dream   I have a dream  to be successful  wealthy , maybe rich  I have a dream  to buy a house  maybe two definitely for my loved one  I have a dream  to take of those who took care of me  to have a nice car I have a dream  not to selfish not to be mean but to be generous, & not what everyone else makes  me seem  I have a dream  mother, sister, & me to be & only be the best I can be 


 Today in class we created our own poem expressing our dreams. continued from yesterday’s discussion. 


 Today in class we read a poem, broke down the poem & was told to make our own. We also watched a ad for Nike about deferred dreams, which was what the poem about. 


 today in class we read 2 poems by Langston Hughes and annotated them. we also had a bell ringer discussing advise we received from our mothers or grandmothers. which tied back to the one of poems we read.